Engineering Plastics

Engineering plastics are polymers that have been modified to provide improved performance and tailor made properties to the finished product. Our product portfolio includes unfilled, glass-fiber-reinforced, heat stabilized and impact-modified compounds.

Engineering plastics are gradually replacing traditional engineering materials such as wood or metal in many areas. Depending on the application, specific properties like impact resistance, thermal stability, UV stability and others can be added to Volgamid.

As a vertically integrated company, we produce engineering plastics based on self-manufactured PA-6, providing the best innovative solutions and expert technical support.

Engineering plastics are produced and traded by PJSC KuibyshevAzot subsidiary STFG Filamente GmbH (Germany, Rudolstadt), joint ventures:
Volgalon Ltd & Volgaplast Compounding Ltd (Russia, Togliatti);
KuibyshevAzot Engineering Plastics Co. Ltd (China, Shanghai)


Due to its properties such as high mechanical strength, resistance to high temperatures, good electrical insulation properties, resistance to chemicals and ease of processing, engineering plastics based on PA-6 have become indispensable in various areas of all industries.

The Volgamid ECO-line grade, based on recycled PA-6, offers environmentally friendly solutions for use in automotive, electrical and electronics industries as well as in consumer goods.

- Automotive
- E&E
- Industrial and consumers goods

Outstanding physical mechanical properties and a wide range of customization options based on Volgamid engineering plastics enable the replacement of traditional materials such as metal or wood and support the design and development of applications in a wide variety of industrial and consumer products.

Технические характеристики

Polyamide 6, glass filled
Volgamid B1G3 Product data sheet Safety data sheet
Volgamid B1G6 Product data sheet Safety data sheet
Volgamid B1G8 Product data sheet Safety data sheet
Volgamid B1G0 Product data sheet Safety data sheet
Polyamide 6, glass filled, heat stabilized
Volgamid B1HG6 Product data sheet Safety data sheet
Volgamid B1HG8 Product data sheet Safety data sheet
Polyamide 6, unfilled, improved flowability
Volgamid B1D Product data sheet Safety data sheet
Volgamid B2D Product data sheet Safety data sheet
Volgamid B3D Product data sheet Safety data sheet
Polyamide 6, secondary grade
Volgamid ECO-G6A Product data sheet Safety data sheet
Volgamid ECO-G6B Product data sheet Safety data sheet


- PE 25 kg bag with aluminum liner;
- PP big-bag with aluminum or PE liner;
- Octabin.


В упакованном виде в крытом сухом складском помещении на расстоянии не менее 1 метра от отопительных приборов.

Заказ образцов

Продукция не выбрана
Volgamid B1D (Polyamide 6, low viscosity, unfilled, improved flowability)
Volgamid B1G0 (Polyamide 6, glass filled)
Volgamid B1G3 (Polyamide 6, glass filled)
Volgamid B1G6 (Polyamide 6, glass filled)
Volgamid B1G8 (Polyamide 6, glass filled)
Volgamid B1HG6 (Polyamide 6, glass filled, heat stabilized)
Volgamid B1HG8 (Polyamide 6, glass filled, heat stabilized)
Volgamid B2D (Polyamide 6, medium viscosity, unfilled, improved flowability)
Volgamid B3D (Polyamide 6, high viscosity, unfilled, improved flowability)
Volgamid ECO G6A (Polyamide 6, secondary grade, glass filled)
Volgamid ECO G6B (Polyamide 6, secondary grade, glass filled)
No products selected
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