The Company is actively involved in social and charitable projects.
The priority areas are as follows:
Charity activities are carried out by the Company independently and through charitable foundations. Assistance is provided by granting monetary and material resources, as well as services.
KuibyshevAzot is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Koleso Theatre and provides it with annual financing, aimed primarily at updating of the theatre’s repertoire — staging premiere performances that are very popular among the citizens.
The Company is a long-standing partner of the Togliatti Local History Museum of, providing financial assistance and technical expertise in creating exhibitions and organizing local natural history quizzes for schoolchildren.
KuibyshevAzot cooperates with preschool, educational and medical institutions, orphanages and boarding schools in order to improve the material and technical base of organizations, to hold joint activities and implement programs.
The higher and secondary vocational educational institutions that are supported in upgrading their facilities include Samara State Technical University, Samara State University, Togliatti State University, and Togliatti Chemical Technology College.
In the area of physical culture and sports, one of the main programs of KuibyshevAzot PJSC is the development of yachting. The Company provides full-scale support for one of the largest yacht clubs in Russia — the “Druzhba” club, which also has a children’s and youth sailing school. The Company finances travels of teams to competitions, work of coaches, and provides equipment for the training process. Special safe harbors have been built to train young sportsmen. The yacht club’s members include champions of Russia, Europe and the world. Annually the yacht-club holds from 10 to 20 competitions of various categories – city, regional and national, competitions for adults, young people and children.
KuibyshevAzot is one of the main sponsors of the many-time champion of Russia — Mega-Lada Speedway Club, Togliatti fitness aerobics team and synchronous figure skating team, medalists of the world-class championships of 2017. The Company finances Rural Games, children's regional competitions attended by almost 3 thousand students from small towns and settlements.
Since 2012, the Company has been implementing projects to improve urban areas and develop street sports activities, by financing the work of professional trainers at several city sites, purchasing equipment, holding competitions, building sports areas and courts, enabling children to play sports free of charge.
KuibyshevAzot is one of the permanent partners of the “iVolga” Youth Forum of the Volga Federal District, organized to create conditions for the self-realization of youth, to encourage the project activities, to promote innovative ideas, and to identify and support talented young people. To support talented young people, the Company finances scholarships named in honor of the first general director of the factory — Ivan Andreevich Krasyuk — for successful students in specialties related to chemistry and ecology, as well as for schoolchildren who showed the best results in chemistry Academic Olympics.
To involve personnel in charitable activities and to introduce charity as a corporate value, since 2006 the Company has been implementing a project to develop private donations, within the framework of which employees voluntarily transfer personal funds to finance charitable actions chosen by them. The number of program participants and the amount of funds collected grows continuously.
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Еще раз обращаем ваше внимание: достоверную информацию о дилерах, предложениях и ценах на продукцию ПАО «КуйбышевАзот» можно получить только в соответствующих разделах на официальном сайте компании или у специалистов Управления сбыта предприятия по тел. (8482) 56-11-66, 56-17-65, 56-18-65, 56-19-65.
Если Вам позвонили, представились сотрудником «КуйбышевАзот», и на Вашем телефоне определился номер, соответствующий официальному номеру компании, обязательно наберите номер заново и убедитесь в поступившем вам предложении. Мошенники используют технические средства, «обманывающие» определитель номеров.
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В случае возникновения каких-либо сомнений или вопросов относительно полученных Вами предложений или контрактов на приобретение продукции ПАО «КуйбышевАзот», настоятельно рекомендуем вам обращаться по телефонам нашей компании, указанным выше.
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Понятно, спасибо!