KuibyshevAzot environmental priorities


Preservation and protection of the environment, impact mitigation and reduction of resource consumption are some of the main parts of KuibyshevAzot PJSC development strategy. Measures in these areas are developed and implemented as an integral part of the Company's investment program. In 2021 air emissions of the enterprise are reduced by 6%.

For example, in 2021 the caprolactam and polyamide plants implemented measures to reduce wastewater generation and improve its quality, implemented technical solutions to modernize equipment and optimize technological processes, which allowed to reduce the discharge of pollutants in the wastewater by more than 7%.

Construction of a new granulation and evaporation unit is underway at the ammonium nitrate plant. Its commissioning in 2022 will reduce atmospheric emissions by 200 tons per year. The cost of the project is 4 billion rubles. 

Such results became possible due to the introduction of progressive resource-saving technologies with the level of environmental and industrial safety corresponding to the best world analogues. A total of 9 billion rubles was allocated for these purposes, as well as for the modernization of existing facilities. Expenditures on environmental projects and environmental protection measures totaled 5 billion rubles, including capital expenditures of 2.9 billion rubles.

In 2021, the construction of the second phase of the storm water treatment facilities at the Northern Industrial Hub and part of the Central District of Togliatti was completed and start-up work is underway.  This is an important environmental project, which is part of the federal program "Rehabilitation of the Volga" in the national project "Ecology". The first phase of facilities (treatment of petroleum products and suspended solids) was launched in August 2020. This year, the construction of the second stage was completed and the facility is being commissioned according to the full technological scheme, including biological treatment. The project is being implemented at the expense of the company's own funds and investments amount to 1.4 billion rubles. The operation of the new treatment facilities will make a significant contribution to the environmental improvement of the Volga River. As a result of the project implementation it is expected to reduce the volume of polluted storm water discharge by 10.5 million cubic meters per year.

The company continuously monitors compliance with environmental safety requirements and industrial control. For example, in 2021 over 20.5 thousand analyses of emissions, air quality, waste water, etc. were performed. More than 7.5 thousand measurements were taken at the border of the sanitary protection zone by independent laboratories of the Volga UGMS (Territorial Administration for Hydrometeorological and Environmental Monitoring) and CLATI (Centre of Laboratory Analysis and Technical Metrology).

Under adverse weather conditions (AWC) KuibyshevAzot PJSC adheres to the action plan approved by the Ministry of Forestry of Samara Region to reduce emissions during the period of adverse weather conditions.

KuibyshevAzot PJSC was one of the first industrial enterprises of Samara region to join implementation of the Regional Ecological Standard, having signed an agreement on cooperation in the sphere of ecological and industrial safety with the Government of Samara region.

Thanks to a systematic approach to environmental protection over the past 10 years, while the volume of marketable products has increased 1.4 times, specific emissions have been reduced 1.5 times, electricity consumption 1.6 times, heat energy 1.4 times, waste water generation 1.3 times, river water consumption 1.2 times, benzene consumption rates have been reduced by 12%.

Since 2012, KuibyshevAzot has financed and participated in the restoration and subsequent care of 45 hectares of Togliatti forest. In total 245 thousand trees are under the patronage of the enterprise. In 2021 the company eliminated more than 18,000 square meters of unauthorized dumps in the city areas, as well as in the coastal areas of the Saratov and Kuibyshev reservoirs.

In 2021, AK&M news agency included the Company in the TOP-5 of the social performance rating of the largest Russian companies, which bring maximum information about social and ecological activity and that align their activities with the principles of sustainable development.

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