KuibyshevAzot PJSC is one of the first industrial enterprises in the Samara region that joined the implementation of the Regional Ecological Standard by signing a cooperation agreement in the field of environmental and industrial safety with the Government of the Samara Region.
On November 24, Governor of the Samara Region Dmitry Azarov and CEO of KuibyshevAzot PJSC Aleksandr Gerasimenko put their signatures to the agreement. The parties, in particular, agreed to assist in the implementation of investment projects that contribute to improving environmental and industrial safety through the introduction of the best available technologies and the technological processes modernization in order to improve the environment.
KuibyshevAzot PJSC has been working in this direction for a long time, implementing measures to reduce environmental impact as part of the Ccompany's investment program. The enterprise spent 6 billion rubles on production development and modernization of the existing equipment in just nine months of this year and more than 54 billion rubles over the past five years. This systematic approach based on the results of 2020 only made it possible to further reduce air emissions by 6.7%, as well as significantly reduce resource consumption: heat energy - by 10.1%, electricity - by 7.8%, river water - by 5.4 %. The Сompany responsibly complies with legal requirements and reducing the impact on the environment.
Currently, the enterprise is implementing a number of projects with the innovative energy-saving technologies that allow minimizing industrial emissions and the formation of greenhouse gases. Continuous monitoring of the atmospheric air condition helps to control compliance with environmental safety requirements. The independent laboratory of the Privolzhskaya UGMS (Administration for Hydrometeorological and Environmental Monitoring) carries out measurements at the border of the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise.
Dmitry Azarov, the Governor of the Samara Region
Today KuibyshevAzot PJSC is the flagship in the implementation of modern technologies, taking into account the environmental part in the production that effectively compete at the global level. We see that in recent years, our chemical industry flagships, our mechanical engineering have made a very big step towards the use of green technologies, compliance with the highest environmental standards. And we create conditions for the implementation of projects in the region, including renewable energy.
Aleksandr Gerasimenko, CEO of PJSC KuibyshevAzot
KuibyshevAzot PJSC always pays special attention to the issues of environmental protection, ecological and industrial safety. One of our main goals is to maintain a balance between the protection of nature in the Samara region and its rational, controlled use in terms of the development of industrial potential and the ecological sector of the economy, aimed at sustainable development and creating a comfortable environment for life. The important thing that each project implemented at the enterprise undergoes a comprehensive and integrated assessment by the regulatory authorities and the public. Our company is open to partnership with all interested parties, residents, public organizations and the administration of the Samara region. We actually de jure consolidate our many years of work by signing a cooperation agreement. I am sure that a significant environmental effect for our region will be achieved if as many economic entities of the Samara region as possible join the implementation of the environmental standard.
Уважаемые партнеры и потребители продукции ПАО «КуйбышевАзот»!
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Еще раз обращаем ваше внимание: достоверную информацию о дилерах, предложениях и ценах на продукцию ПАО «КуйбышевАзот» можно получить только в соответствующих разделах на официальном сайте компании www.kuazot.ru или у специалистов Управления сбыта предприятия по тел. (8482) 56-11-66, 56-17-65, 56-18-65, 56-19-65.
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