KuibyshevAzot has launched a new production of mineral fertilizers


On August 27, 2021, in a solemn ceremony, a new production of complex fertilizer – ammonium sulfate-nitrate – was opened, the launch of which will increase the capacity of the enterprise for the production of mineral fertilizers as part of the investment program with the introduction of modern technologies. The opening was carried out in the format of jubilee events occasioned with the 55th anniversary of the enterprise.

The solemn opening ceremony was attended by Dmitry Azarov, the Governor of the Samara Region, Andrey Shamin, the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Samara Region and Alexander Gerasimenko, the General Director of KuibyshevAzot PJSC, as well as representatives of regional and city authorities.

 The project is being implemented with the aim of expanding the range of mineral fertilizers offered by the enterprise to Russian and foreign agricultural producers, and meeting all the requirements of modern agricultural technologies. The project is included in the list of complex investment projects by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

 The technology of the CFI company (Chemical & Fertilizer Industry holding, Singapore) has been implemented in the production, which makes it possible to ensure production that meets the requirements of industrial and environmental safety. The capacity of the new production will be 360 thousand tons per year (1,100 tons per day). There are no analogues of the applied technology in Russia. Planned investments – RUB 4.3 billion.

Ammonium sulfate-nitrate (nitrosulfate) is a mineral fertilizer that simultaneously supplies plants with nitrogen, sulfur and micronutrients, increasing the efficiency of crop production. The use of fertilizer improves soil fertility and has a positive effect on the growth and formation of crops in comparison with conventional fertilizers. At the same time, not only the yield increases, but also the quality of agricultural products. The fertilizer has improved physical and chemical properties, increased strength of granules, 100% friability and can be used on all types of soils and for all crops. It is especially in demand in regions where there is a lack of sulfur in soils. Sulfur retains nitrogen in the soil, preventing it from being washed out quickly.

 The first product samples at the new production facility were obtained in 2020. On the basis of trial batches, experimental crops were laid with the introduction of ammonium sulfate-nitrate in the fields of the agricultural enterprise Pecherskoye JSC (subsidiary enterprise of KuibyshevAzot PJSC). A reliable partner in scientific work is also the Samara State Agrarian University (SamGAU), together with which KuibyshevAzot is working on the range and quality of fertilizers, as well as the method of their application. 

Dmitry Azarov, Governor of the Samara Region

 Ammonium sulfate-nitrate is a new complex fertilizer. The plant, which opens today, is the first in Russia. It is a new product for which a steady demand has already been formed. It is four billion investments, new jobs, and the company's development prospects. KuibyshevAzot is the flagship in the implementation of state-of-the-art and innovative approaches in production and management, technology, and the social sphere. KuibyshevAzot celebrates its anniversary with shock work and forward-looking optimism. All new production facilities of KuibyshevAzot ensure the implementation of the highest environmental standards and green technologies. All further plans of the enterprise provide for the most attentive attitude to the environment, for the implementation of the best available technologies.


Alexander Gerasimenko, CEO, KuibyshevAzot PJSC

 KuibyshevAzot always focuses on the needs of agricultural producers, offering a wide range of mineral fertilizers on the Russian market, satisfies the needs of farmers for quality products and contributes to the development and promotion of modern agricultural technologies. The start of production of ammonium sulfate-nitrate is another step in this direction and an important stage in the implementation of the investment program and sustainable development of the company. Today KuibyshevAzot is ready to offer to the market an environmentally friendly fertilizer that has improved physical and chemical properties and allows to get a rich and high-quality crops.

Meaningful cooperation with agro-industry enterprises helps us to take part in the formation of mechanisms for the availability of mineral fertilizers for Russian agricultural producers and increase the efficiency of agriculture.



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