On August 23, KuibyshevAzot celebrates its 55th anniversary, calculated from the date of producing the first ammonia, and commencement of work according to the full process scheme.
Over 55 years of history the enterprise has come a long way from construction of the first workshops to creation of a major center of the domestic chemical industry. Today KuibyshevAzot PJSC is one of the leading Russian chemical companies, the leader in caprolactam and polyamide production in Russia, CIS and Eastern Europe, the largest producer of technical and textile yarns, cord fabric, polyamide and blended fabrics in Russia, one of the main manufacturers of nitrogen fertilizers. The company has subsidiaries, joint ventures and business units in China, Germany, Serbia, India and 10 regions of Russia.
The enterprise is successfully and confidently developing, new modern and environmentally friendly production facilities are being built, the existing ones are being modernized, and advanced technologies are being introduced. Since 2000, 94 billion rubles have been allocated for these purposes, including 54 billion rubles over the last 5 years. 17 new production facilities have been commissioned, 7 joint ventures with the world's largest companies, including DSM (Netherlands), Linde Group (Germany), MaireTecnimontGroup (Italy) have been established.
The Company implements the only import-substituting technological chain in Russia from chemical raw materials benzene, caprolactam to polyamide, yarns and fabrics.
Over 55 years of operation KuibyshevAzot has become a reliable partner for various industries: tire, paint and varnish, auto and machine engineering, production of polymers, synthetic fibers, rubber technical goods, medicine, agriculture, livestock and many others. The products are supplied to more than 60 countries around the world. The Company’s integrated management system is certified for compliance with international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO/TS 16949.
KuibyshevAzot PJSC is approaching its 55th anniversary at an active stage of development. Five large-scale projects are being implemented at various stages.
Production of ammonium sulfate-nitrate, a complex fertilizer with improved consumer properties, is at the final stage, with a volume of investments of 4.3 billion rubles.
Construction of a new granulation and evaporation system with a capacity of 2,000 tpd for ammonium nitrate production is underway, and the design works and site preparation for the second stage of the project have begun, a weak nitric acid unit with a capacity of 1,500 tpd; planned investments of 13.5 billion rubles. As a result of the project implementation it is expected to reduce emissions for 200 tons per year.
Production of granular urea in partnership with the Italian Maire Tecnimont Group with planned investments of 19 billion rubles is under active construction. Expected commissioning is in 2022.
Due to the implementation of advanced technologies, constant modernization, implementation of environmental projects, KuibyshevAzot is developing, reducing the environmental impact. As recently as last year the enterprise spent 5 billion rubles on the environmental programs, including the capital ones – 3 billion rubles. The systematic approach brings a corresponding result: in 2020 atmospheric emissions were reduced by 6.7%, total effluent waters by 7.5%, electricity consumption by 7.8%, heat consumption by 4.5%, and river water consumption by 2%.
In 2020 KuibyshevAzot launched the 1st stage of storm water treatment facilities of the Northern Industrial Hub and part of the Central District of Togliatti, in 2021 it is planned to commission the 2nd stage of treatment facilities. The project is part of the national project "Ecology" – the work of the new treatment facilities will make a significant contribution to the overall amount of work on the Volga ecological recovery. As a result, it is expected to reduce the volume of polluted wastewater discharge by 10.5 million cubic meters per year. The project is implemented entirely at the expense of own funds of KuibyshevAzot PJSC, the investments amount to 1.4 billion rubles.
The enterprise takes an active part in reforestation – 210,150 thous. trees have been planted, the care of which is financed for 3 years.
Charitable and social investments are always an important part of KuibyshevAzot operation. The company provides the employees with a high level of social protection guaranteed by one of the best Collective Agreements in the region. The enterprise facilities, which include a recreation center, a health care center, the largest yacht marina in the Volga region, are in demand by employees and increase the tourist potential of Togliatti and the region.
Уважаемые партнеры и потребители продукции ПАО «КуйбышевАзот»!
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Еще раз обращаем ваше внимание: достоверную информацию о дилерах, предложениях и ценах на продукцию ПАО «КуйбышевАзот» можно получить только в соответствующих разделах на официальном сайте компании www.kuazot.ru или у специалистов Управления сбыта предприятия по тел. (8482) 56-11-66, 56-17-65, 56-18-65, 56-19-65.
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В случае возникновения каких-либо сомнений или вопросов относительно полученных Вами предложений или контрактов на приобретение продукции ПАО «КуйбышевАзот», настоятельно рекомендуем вам обращаться по телефонам нашей компании, указанным выше.
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Понятно, спасибо!