KuibyshevAzot PJSC took part in the XII International Forum “Ecology.” This is the largest industry event of the year, supported by the State Duma, the Federation Council, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation.
The agenda included the implementation of the national project “Ecology” and major issues of transition to a “green” economy.
The forum gathered together 1200 delegates from 80 regions of the country. The program included more than 25 panel and working sessions, conferences and round tables.
At the forum KuibyshevAzot was presented by Denis Erantsev, the Head of Technical Department, who spoke at the working session “Rational water use: tools and technologies” with a presentation of the enterprise's environment-geared project: “Treatment facilities of storm effluent water of the Northern Industrial Hub and a part of the Central District of Togliatti.”
- Our company makes a great contribution to the ecology of the region by means of the existing production facilities modernization and new projects implementation. Storm effluent water treatment facilities are one of them. It is a great privilege for us to present it at such a high level, presenting it to a professional audience. The first stage of the project was completed in 2020 and was included in the federal program “The Volga Rehabilitation” as part of the national project “Ecology”, and was implemented at the expense of the enterprise's own funds. Currently, the construction of the second stage is carried out. The work of the new treatment facilities will make a significant contribution to the Volga environment improvement. Denis Erantsev noticed that as a result of the project implementation, it is expected to reduce the volume of polluted effluent water discharge by 10.5 million cubic meters per annum.
Following the forum result, a public resolution was adopted, which included all the initiatives and proposals of participants in environmental activities on the legislation and state policy improvement in the field of environment protection.
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