KuibyshevAzot PJSC has adopted a new collective agreement


The new collective agreement, adopted at the conference of the labour collective, will ensure the enterprise’s employees’ rights within social partnership for the next three years.

The collective agreement of KuibyshevAzot PJSC has been regulating relations between the labour collective and the enterprise’s administration for many decades, and its execution is mandatory for each of the Parties. The agreement is updated once every three years, and the content of the document, among other things, defines decent working conditions, additional benefits and guarantees for employees of the enterprise, where the single set of measures is implemented to respect interests of the employees and the employer. 

The previous version of the collective agreement of KuibyshevAzot PJSC was adopted in 2018, fully implemented over the past three years, and was highly appreciated by the conference of the labour collective. The agreement traditionally provides for a whole range of measures and events for labour protection, organization of workplaces, support of employees in difficult life situations, etc.

Within the social partnership, the enterprise implements a number of important projects and areas of activities. In particular, for many years, the housing program has been successfully carried out, with help of which factory workers solve their housing problems, and improve their housing conditions on favorable terms. Only in 2020, residential premises were purchased for a total of 68.9 million RUB. 37% of the total number of the employees have used the housing program. It is important that the enterprise’s employees have access to services of social and cultural facilities all year round (sanatorium-preventorium, recreation center, yacht club, gyms, etc.), their own medical unit, staffed by medical workers. In 2020, 87% of the labour collective passed professional medical examination to be conducted at the enterprise annually. Upon retirement, employees receive additional pension benefits, as well as enjoy their own specific benefits. The veterans council of the enterprise unites more than 2,000 people. Work with the youth is being developed with active participation of the young professional’s council, which represents interests of employees under 30. For them, KuibyshevAzot has established special programs taking into account their current needs and interests.

This approach makes it possible to maintain the balance of interests, and today 97.8% of the employees are members of the trade union organization.

In 2020, the collective agreement of KuibyshevAzot PJSC was recognized as the best one in the Samara Region, which was marked by the award of the Governor of the Samara Region for organization of effective social partnership in the field of labor.

Adoption of the new version of the collective agreement of KuibyshevAzot PJSC was traditionally preceded by work of the negotiating commission: each section of the collective agreement was analyzed in detail, and proposals of the enterprise’s employees were considered. When discussing the updated collective agreement, all details affecting somehow social protection of the labor collective were taken into account.

At the conference of the labor collective, held in March 2021, they unanimously voted for adoption of the new revised document to continue to regulate labour relations at the enterprise, within which the constructive dialogue between the labour collective and the employer will be built until 2024.

The conference also noted the high-leveled additional measures to ensure the employees’ safety in terms of the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Sergey Tumanov, Chairman of the primary trade union organization of KuibyshevAzot PJSC:

– Our collective agreement has always been a source of pride for the factory workers, and it serves as a good example for many other enterprises. In 2021, at KuibyshevAzot, the updated collective agreement has been adopted, according to which we will live and work next three years, constructively interacting with the enterprise’s management. All items of the agreement are mandatory for each of the Parties. We clearly understand importance and necessity of partnership relations aimed at protecting interests of factory workers, which have always been the basis for the enterprise’s steady operation and its well-being.

Aleksandr Gerasimenko, CEO of KuibyshevAzot PJSC:

– The administration and the trade union organization of our enterprise see for themselves the same task - to ensure the company’s successful operation, sustainable development, stability and its well-being . All issues are solved on the basis of social partnership and respect for the balance of interests. Adoption of the updated collective agreement with all amendments and additions gives confidence to every employee of the enterprise that their interests are protected as much as possible and reliably.

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