Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation assessed the products of PJSC KuibyshevAzot


During a working visit to the Samara Region and the city of Togliatti, the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Denis Manturov, and the Governor of the Samara Region, Dmitry Azarov, discussed topical issues of the regional industrial complex and attended the exhibition organized in technopark Zhigulevskaya Dolina. Among other things, Denis Manturov became familiarized with an extensive line of products  processed from caprolactam and polyamide produced by PJSC KuibyshevAzot.

KuibyshevAzot is the largest producer of caprolactam and polyamide in the Russian Federation, and it  implements a program for the development of their processing into higher value added products – technical and textile yarns, tire cord, polyamide and blended fabrics, and engineering plastics. The company has created the only production chain in Russia for the production of import-substituting products from chemical raw materials to fibers and synthetic fabrics.

Denis Manturov turned attention to the possibility of wider use of textile yarns, polyamide and blended fabrics for civil and special purposes in the Russian consumer goods industry. In addition, the Minister proposed using polyamide compounds in the production of medical devices for blood sampling. It is a common fact that engineering plastics are widely used in mechanical engineering, for the production of automotive components, household appliances, electrical equipment, sports equipment, barrier food wrap.

The Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation said: 

- Similar materials are used for blood sampling. It is necessary to study the matter of organizing production based on polyamide engineering plastics - either expanding those that are already engaged in this today, or newly created ones, including here, within the framework of the Special Economic Zone.   

The idea was fully supported by the Governor of the Samara region Dmitry Azarov. 

Aleksandr Gerasimenko, CEO of PJSC KuibyshevAzot, confirmed interest in such work:

- KuibyshevAzot is ready to explore the possibility of using polyamide compositions and creating formulations of polymer materials for the production of components of blood sampling systems for delivery to Russian manufacturers whether already existing or new ones. In Europe, polyamide is used for such systems, so the Minister had justly noted that. Today we will discuss this order with our colleagues from the Ministry of Industry and Trade directly at the factory, as well as issues of developing of the textile sector of our production.

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