PJSC KuibyshevAzot became a partner of the international snowkiting competition Marafon Zhigulevskoe Sea, which was held under the auspices of the International Kiteboarding Association (IKA) in Togliatti from February 23 to 28. The high level of organization as well as spectacularity of the sports event annually attract to Samara region tourists from all across the country and from abroad, securing Togliatti’s title of one of the Russia’s sailing centers.
Snowkiting is a relatively new type of sailing. Skiers and snowboarders cover significant racing distances, catching the wind with a power kite. They also compete in the freestyle events, performing various jumps and tricks in the air. The water area of the Kuibyshev Reservoir is suitable for both professionals and amateurs due to the ice space and wind conditions. Alexander Gushchin, the head of the Samara Regional Sailing Federation, emphasized the fact that Togliatti is one of the best bases in Russia for the development and promotion of snowkiting.
International competitions organized by the SNOWKITERUSSIA team brought together in the winter water area of the Volga river 135 strongest athletes from 27 regions of Russia and Ukraine, including young snowkites who had their own racing distance provided. The sports club Sila Vetra, RPO Samara Regional Sailing Federation with the assistance of the All-Russian Sailing Federation (VFPS) and the Government of the Samara region were the organizers of the international competition Marafon Zhigulevskoe Sea.
Despite the high temperature fluctuations, races were held in the traditional disciplines: course-race, marathon and freestyle. Freestyle stars finalized the mandatory program of the competition with making a spectacular night show, performing brilliant tricks in the glare of the spotlights.
Elena Kosova, Head of Information Department of PJSC KuibyshevAzot:
“Togliatti is becoming an iconic destination for fans of all types of sailing. Several factors work in favor of this: the convenient water area of the Volga, the developed material and technical base as well as productive interaction of government and business, and the growing interest of Togliatti citizens in sailing.
A significant contribution to the support of sailing is made by KuibyshevAzot, which actively develops the Togliatti Druzhba yacht club. The modern port and infrastructure make it possible to organize competitions of national and international levels. There is a children's and youth sports school on the basis of the yacht club. The trainees of the school are known in many recognized European sailing centers.
Snowkiting is another chapter for us in the support and development of sailing in Togliatti, which is experienced in holding international competitions of the highest level.”
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