KuibyshevAzot PJSC has finished construction of the first stage of waste water treatment facilities of the Northern industrial hub and a part of the Central District of Togliatti. The project became one-of-a-kind for Samara region and one of the few in the Russian Federation.
The opening ceremony of the first stage of treatment facilities held on August 28, 2020 was attended by Mr. Dmitry Azarov – Governor of the Samara Region, Mr. Aleksandr Gerasimenko – General Director of KuibyshevAzot PJSC, Mr. Alexander Larionov – Minister of Forestry, Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management, Mr. Igor Zharkov – Deputy Minister of Energy and Housing and Municipal Services and Mr. Andrey Shamin – Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Samara Region.
“Today we are constructing treatment facilities in in the cities of Syzran, Oktyabrsk, Zhigulevsk, Samara in order to reduce the level of polluted water discharge into the Volga river by three times according to the indicators of the national project. But the project in Togliatti is unique in its full implementation through private investments of KuibyshevAzot, - said Dmitry Azarov. KuibyshevAzot is the flagship of the industry of the Samara region, the flagship in creating working conditions, social security of the employees, the flagship in the efforts for the environmental safety of our region. I am sure that this project will become an example for other enterprises. It is also an example of how to treat Your nature, Your river, the people who live and work here."
Project implementation was preceded by a lot of work of the Company's specialists to analyze the environmental situation in terms of storm runoffs coming from the entire territory of the Northern industrial hub of Togliatti. Over the years, their quality began to deteriorate due to the use of road reagents, an increase in the number of vehicles, economic activities and etc. In many respects, the situation was aggravated by the state of the industrial site of the former plant “Fosfor”. When it became clear that it was impossible to do without the construction of new treatment facilities, PJSC KuibyshevAzot decided to launch the project. The customer for the construction of the new facility was KuibyshevAzot PJSC, the contractor – Azotremstroy, and the designer was the Moscow company May Project.
In June 2020, work on the construction and equipping of treatment facilities entered the final stage of commissioning. By this time, the installation of equipment, supplied by German company Huber was completed. High efficiency of the treatment process will be achieved largely due to the use of advanced equipment.
The first stage of the Project was included in the federal program "Improvement of the Volga River" as a part of the national project "Ecology" and was implemented at the expense of the enterprise's own funds. The volume of investments in the first stage amounted to 872 million rubles, while the total investment in the project will amount to 1.2 billion rubles. In 2019, the Project was approved for a subsidy under the federal target program "Development of the water sector of the Russian Federation in 2012-2020" – it became a compensation of a part of the interest paid under the loan.
With the launch of the first stage, storm runoffs from the Northern industrial hub and part of the Central District of the city Togliatti will be cleaned of suspended solids and oil products, which will reduce the volume of pollutants entering the Volga river by 556 t/year.
The capacity of the treatment facilities will be 48,000 m3/day.
After the second stage of construction is implemented in 2022, biological treatment will be carried out for organic compounds, ammonium ion, nitrite ion, nitrates and phosphates, synthetic surfactants, which will ultimately reduce the discharge of pollutants by a total of 967.65 t/year.
A total of 20 new jobs will be created at the facility.
The operation of the new treatment facilities will make a significant contribution to the total volume of work on the environmental improvement of the Volga. As a result of the project implementation, it is expected to reduce the volume of polluted wastewater discharge by 10.5 million m3/ year.
"Almost every year we open new facilities at the production site, but this one is special for the city and the region. First of all, it is aimed at improving the ecology, reducing the negative impact on the environment, - explained Aleksandr Gerasimenko – General Director of KuibyshevAzot PJSC. - I would like to thank all construction and installation workers and specialists for their work. And it should be noted that during the implementation of the project, the regional authorities provided comprehensive support, which undoubtedly accelerated the construction. We hope that this project will become a good opening and an example for the start of other environmental facilities with the participation of private investors."
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