Operations results of KuibyshevAzot PJSC for H1, 2020


The sales volume of KuibyshevAzot PJSC commercial output for six months of 2020 amounted to 23.8 billion rubles. Net profit amounted to 1.65 billion rubles.

Compared with the indicators for the same period of 2019 the main products output was:

- ammonia – 544.0 kt (105.8 %)

(taking into account the output of JV Linde Azot Togliatti LLC);

- ammonium nitrate – 375.6 kt (113.1%);

- urea – 184.4 kt (102.8%);

- ammonium sulphate –245.5 kt (101.1%);

- UAN -154.4 kt (163.9%)

- caprolactam – 99.7 kt (101.5%);

- polyamide-6 – 70.6 kt (97.7 %);

- polyamide yarn – 1.8 kt (64.3%);

- cord fabric – 1.0 kt (56.7%);

- dipped cord fabric – 6.9 million linear meters (73.3 %).

In the first half of the year, the implementation of most important investment projects continued at the site of the Company in Togliatti

Commissioning works at the ammonium sulpho-nitrate plant are underway. Company continues works for the construction of a plant for the production of “K” grade sulfuric acid and improved oleum with a total capacity of 500 thousand tons per year within the framework of “Project Finance Factory” program.
The project is aimed at reduction of costs of caprolactam production and ensuring raw materials supply.
In cooperation with the Italian concern, Maire Tecnimont Group, Company continues the construction of a new urea plant, which provides for the use of advanced technologies that ensure environmentally friendly and safe production.

In February, the implementation of the project for the construction of the second nitric acid line was completed.

In June, the enterprise underwent a scheduled audit, which confirmed that the quality management system in the design and production of dipped cord fabric complies with the international standard IATF 16949:2016, which sets a strict benchmark for the needs of the automotive industry.

KuibyshevAzot pays special attention to environmental projects and protection measures. The Company constructs the storm water treatment facilities for the enterprises of the Northern industrial hub and part of Central District of Togliatti within the frameworks of the federal program “Clean Volga”. Currently the project is at the stage of the first line commissioning.

At the production of ammonium nitrate, a project aimed at reducing emissions is being implemented - the construction of a new granulation and evaporation plant instead of two existing ones.

In June, KuibyshevAzot won the diploma of 1st degree at the regional competition EcoLider-2019 in the nomination Industrial Giant.

All promising projects implemented by the Company are aimed at reducing the consumption of raw materials, heat and energy resources, reducing the impact of production on the environment, as well as maintaining the Company's market position in the current conditions of economic instability.

In the first half of 2020, PJSC KuibyshevAzot allocated 3.6 billion rubles for the production development of the enterprise and the renovation of existing equipment.

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