KuibyshevAzot won the first degree diploma of the Ecoleader-2019 regional contest in the nomination Industrial Giant. Participation in this landmark event has long become a good tradition for the enterprise. Moreover, KuibyshevAzot annually pays special attention to environmental projects and measures.
A large package of works is implemented at the production site to modernize the existing equipment and construction of the new one. Over the past five years alone, about 50 billion rubles have been allocated for these purposes. And work in this direction is continued. Company’s capital expenditures for environmental measures based on the results of 2019 amount 1.4 billion rubles, current expenditures amount 1.9 billion rubles. Such a responsible approach allows the Company to demonstrate convincing results in the terms of reducing environmental impact.
One of the key environmental projects implemented by KuibyshevAzot PJSC - storm water treatment facilities for the Northern industrial hub and part of Central District of Togliatti. The project is implemented at the expense of the enterprise and is included in the federal program “Recovery of the Volga river” as part of Ecology national project. It is planned to be completed in 2021 – 2022. Investments amount to 1,1 billion rubles.
Special attention is paid to the measures on the production site of the enterprise. In the framework of the program to increase the production of mineral fertilizers and reduce the environmental impact, a project for modern production of non-concentrated nitric acid with a capacity of 130 thousand tons per year (UKL-2) has been implemented and construction of a high-performance ammonium nitrate granulation tower which will replace two existing ones is in progress.
In addition, nitric acid production introduced a system of double irrigation on absorption columns to reduce air emissions, reduce emissions from nitric acid storage facilities and optimize the parameters of the supply of ammonia for catalytic treatment in 2019. Uninterrupted operation of the acid separation unit was ensured in the urea production.
Over the past 10 years with a growth of commercial products volume by 2.4 times, consumption of electricity and water per ton of the output reduced by 1.9 times, heat by 1.7 times, the specific emissions reduced by 2 times, effluents – by 1.2 times, consumption of gas and benzene reduced by 15%. In 2019 compared to 2018, with a growth of commercial products volume by 1.6%, air emissions decreased by 10% and amounted to 35% of the permitted level, waste generation decreased by 2.3 times, and river water consumption reduced by 4.6 %.
The enterprise continues to work on the use of industrial waste as recoverable resources, and it is implementing a program to switch the company's vehicles to eco-friendly fuels.
In 2019, KuibyshevAzot PJSC participated in the financing of the mobile environmental laboratory and research of atmospheric air in Tolyatti. It is also important to note that KuibyshevAzot made a one-off payment so that given the lack of funds the city could make an advance payment to purchase the laboratory.
Currently KuibyshevAzot has on its balance sheet 37 ha of the forest, which is tended annually. In 2020 it is planned to plant another 4 ha.
The Company’s responsible attitude to the environment has repeatedly received high expert assessment, both at the regional and federal levels.
KuibyshevAzot was recognized as one of the leaders of the Rating of sustainable development – 100 complied by the Expert magazine. Among the top 100 Russian companies, the chemical giant is ranked 18th. In addition, the Company is a long-term leader in the Interfax-ERA rating for transparency in the Russian chemical industry. Now the Company has received a recognition in the framework of the regional contest Ecoleader-2019, once again demonstrating thoroughness in matters of preservation and protection of the environment.
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