KuibyshevAzot entered the TOP-20 Energy-Efficient Companies


According to RAEX rating agency, KuibyshevAzot PJSC took 11th place in the ranking of business leaders in terms of energy efficiency.

The Company manages to ensure production growth and at the same time significantly reduces energy consumption. According to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the energy efficiency of the domestic economy over the past 10 years has increased by 13%. According to the compilers of the rating, this is slightly lower than the global average, but taking into account the continental, and sometimes severely continental climate (cold winters requiring energy for heating, and hot summers with air conditioning), the result does not look so bad.

 For KuibyshevAzot, which received a rather high position in the rating, this is not only an indicator of high energy efficiency, but also a result of the strategy implemented at the enterprise to modernize existing production and introduce new modern technologies. Over the past four years, more than 40 billion rubles has been invested in the development of the Company. During this time, new high-tech facilities have been built at the Company’s site in Togliatti, including those in partnership with leaders in the chemical industry. In 2019, more than 10 billion rubles will be allocated for development. This approach allows increasing the marketable products volume of production against the background of lower raw materials and energy resources consumption, as well as environmental impact.


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