«KuibyshevAzot» takes part in international exhibition YUGAGRO


KuibyshevAzot traditionally takes part in the YUGAGRO exhibition, which will last from November 19 to 22, 2019. The international exhibition of agricultural machinery, equipment and materials for the production and processing of crop products "YUGAGRO" is held in Krasnodar already for the 26th time. Over 710 companies from 35 countries of the world participate in it.

The total exhibition area exceeds 65,000 m2. According to the organizers, over 200 companies will take part in the exhibition for the first time this year: these are the leading manufacturers and distributors of Russia, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, France, Israel, Canada, China, South Korea, Thailand and other countries.

KuibyshevAzot is represented at YUGAGRO in the section of exposition named Agrochemical Products and Seeds, where the KuibyshevAzot stand is traditionally neighboring upon the largest domestic and foreign companies. Among them are Bayer, BASF (Germany), YARA (Norway), PhosAgro, EuroKhim and others.

KuibyshevAzot experts introduce to visitors of the stand manufactured products and give all the necessary explanations on the practical use of fertilizers, which are in great demand among agricultural producers. First of all, it is sulfur-containing fertilizers. Soon, KuibyshevAzot will also introduce a new product to the market - ammonium sulphate nitrate, the consumer characteristics of which already attract the interest today. At year-end of 2018, supplies to domestic agricultural producers increased by 21% compared to the previous year. This result was obtained mainly thanks to an active policy of promoting fertilizers.

Agrochemical depots, sales offices and dealer centers of KuibyshevAzot are located in the largest agricultural regions of the Russian Federation, and an integrated approach to develop a policy of promoting fertilizers on the domestic market can improve customer service and reduce seasonal shortage.

 Andrey Bylinin, Commercial Director of PJSC KuibyshevAzot

“Participation in the exhibition is a good opportunity for us to present the company's products in the markets of the southern regions of Russia. YUGAGRO is a platform where we can meet and communicate with our customers, partners and discuss options for further cooperation.”


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