KuibyshevAzot PJSC intends to create an Engineering Plastics production in Germany


KuibyshevAzot PJSC continues to invest in the value chain of polyamide-6 in Western Europe. After the acquisition of STFG Filamente GmbH in Rudolstadt, Thuringia, in 2011, this site was integrated into the polyamide direction of the Group, drawing on existing know-how from both sides.

Traditional spinning and warping processes for production of PA-6 filament yarns have been modernized in recent years, in which serious investments have been made. STFG revenues have increased, reaching tens of millions of Euros.

Despite the current political and economic unrest in international markets, the board of directors of KuibyshevAzot PJSC has recently decided to expand and develop the site in Rudolstadt by further investing in the manufacturing of products with higher value added based on polyamide-6.

In this regard, after considering the alternative of the construction site for the production of compounds in China or Germany, in Rudolstadt, it was decided to invest in a German enterprise.

At STFG, Thuringia, it is planned to build a modern plant for the production of compounds (composite engineering plastics), which should be put into operation by mid-2020 and provide Western European injection molding companies with high-quality compounds (polymers). It is planned to invest about 3 million Euros in the project.

Due to the construction of a new production, the portfolio of products and services of the KuibyshevAzot Group for European customers will be significantly expanded, which will give the German site in Rudolstadt additional opportunities for development.

The current production of the PA-6 filament yarn is also supported by upgrading the existing warping capacities in accordance with the growing quality requirements in the field of “technical textiles”.

Thus, the product range of warp yarns on beams for the warp knitting producers can be supplemented with other types of yarn, such as polyester, polypropylene, acrylic, that will allow to respond flexibly to customer needs.

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