KuibyshevAzot confirmed compliance of integrated management system of the enterprise with international standards


The scheduled audit, which took place from 15th to 19th of April 2019 confirmed, that integrated management system (IMS) of KuibyshevAzot complied with requirements of international standards of quality management systems ISO 9001:2015; environmental management ISO 14001:2015; оccupational health & safety advisory services OHSAS 18001:2007.

Experts from Russian embassy of international audition company SGS Vostok LTD (Switzerland) checked the performance of company’s departments and made an objective assessment of KuibyshevAzot integrated management system operation during audit.

The opinions of SGS Vostok LTD specialists once again confirmed that the work in field of quality, ecology, occupational and industrial safety is harmoniously and thoroughly integrated into the activities of the enterprise and is constantly being improved. Experts highlighted both constant positive observations and systemic improvements in the performance of an integrated enterprise management system. In particular, high level in matters of equipment modernization, improvement of processes, personnel training deserved the positive assessment of the inspectors.

Successful completion of the audit for the compliance of the integrated management system with international standards will further enhance the level of the company's activities in the field of quality, environmental protection, labor protection and industrial safety.

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